JDBClient 2.7 Help

JDBClient is Copyright © 2015, P. Lutus.

JDBClient is released under the GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

Please visit http://www.arachnoid.com/JDBClient for more documentation and to acquire the latest version of JDBClient. This help page explains how to use JDBClient, while the home page covers installation issues and certain other topics in greater depth.

For formatting reasons and to properly read these instructions, users may want to temporarily make the JDBClient program frame larger.

Introduction | Features | Command-line Operation | Miscellaneous Notes


JDBClient is a Java program that serves as a MySQL database client (meaning a program that interacts with a server). With JDBClient you can create, author and edit MySQL databases, and conduct sophisticated searches (in database terminology these searches are called "queries"). You can analyze database construction and optimization, and copy generated content to other environments in several formats. You can create, delete, and modify data and tables, and perform many kinds of maintenance tasks using JDBClient's built-in MySQL terminal.

Because JDBClient is written in Java, it will run on virtually any platform. And to run, JDBClient needs the most recent version of Java, available free at http://java.com. Many runtime issues are resolved by simply upgrading to the most recent Java runtime engine.


This section's topics follow the order of the JDBClient tabs one uses to access different features. The topics are:

Command-line Operation
JDBClient has some command-line arguments that simplify launching the program with a particular configuration, or one of many configurations for different purposes. The arguments are:
Usage: -f "name of font" -s server
       -u user -d database -t table
       -p password -r read table -h help
Miscellaneous Notes

Unicode issues

Similarities with the "Mysql" command-line utility

Program state preservation

Partition bar

Saved Web pages

JDBClient resources

Here are some JDBClient-related resource locations:

JDBClient Home Page http://arachnoid.com/JDBClient
JDBClient version 2.7
User home directory (user home directory)
JDBClient Web page directory location (webpage path)
JDBClient configuration file location (configuration path)
Currently running JDBClient application location (application path)

Bug reports